
Officers of the Law

 In the law enforcement field today, officers are not portrayed well by the media. They are portrayed as racists, and murders', despite all of this men and women still put their lives at risk everyday. They endure hours of stress, headaches, and have to make decisions the normal citizen wouldn't dare make and in mere seconds.   There are many characteristics of an officer of the law, things such as courage, honesty, and attention to detail, but why? Why can't the average person be a Law Enforcement Officer? An officer must have courage. Courage is not something that can be taught, courage in inside of you, it's putting a strangers life before yours, willing to sacrifice everything for someone who you might not even know their name. To the average citizen this seems crazy, but if you ask any Law Enforcement Officer they will tell you its second nature. They wouldn't think twice about running into a collapsing building to save innocent lives, or step in betwee

Product Reviews

    The First product I would like to tell you about is the Lews Lazer Carbon RZ fishing rod. The rod comes in three sizes to choose from; 6'6, 6'10' and 7'3, with medium heavy or medium actions to choose from. The reel comes in a 7:1 ball bearing system, with magnetic spool release and a maximum 10 pound drag. I have been fishing with Lews reels for over 6 years now, and have been sponsored for almost a year. This has been the best, overall rod/reel setup I have gotten from them. It has enough backbone to pull in bigger fish , and enough tip to make long casts and fight in the fish. I spooled it up with 50 pound spider wire braid and it casts phenomenal. I can cast an easy 40 yards with this setup , depending on bait size. I grabbed the 6'10 Medium Heavy,  I mainly use it as a top water rod mostly due to its tip, however I have had success using heavier jigs and frogs in heavy cover. The rod handles fish well, my biggest fish so far on it was a 34 inch north

Me, Myself, and a few others

There are approximately 7.5 billion  people on the Earth, now there is no possible way to meet everyone, so we must stick to a set group of people whether that be two people or even two-hundred. However there are always going to be people that leave their marks on us. My father, Mark DeLancey, being sworn in as chief of Police   The first person that left a huge mark on me is my father, coincidently his name happens to be , Mark. Mark Allen DeLancey, he group up as a poor, unruly child, soon to be straightened out when he entered the military at the age of 16, became a military police officer, eventually a Green Barrett,  and fought in operation desert storm. Later he would return to his hometown to become a  po lice officer, work his way up the ranks, until he gained the rank of Chief of Police, where he still resides today.  My father was very strict on me growing up, everything had to be a certain way and done by a certain time. I was never usually allowed to stay out very l

My bucket list

1. The first thing that goes on my bucket list, is marrying my girlfriend, my high school sweetheart.  We have been together for quite some time now, we are now a state apart. However she is considering schools here in Michigan. I've covered all the logistics, and I'm giving it a good two to three more amazing years before I decide to make it permanent. Families and friends alike all agree its one of the best relationships they have seen that started at a younger age. 2. My next stop on my bucket list, travel. More specifically , I've always wanted to visit two countries; Germany and Poland. I have an immense love for the history of wars, especially World War Two history. I would visit Auschwitz(That's in Poland), the biggest Nazi concentration camp, where millions of Jews were murdered. They say you can feel the pain and heartache of every human being that was in there. For Germany, the immense variety of food an "Non" Alcoholic beverages

Me by the Numbers

We see numbers everyday, numbers such as the ones on the speed limit signs, on the weather channel (because people still watch that) and at the grocery store for when that gallon of milk is back up to $3.00. However there are some numbers in our lives that hold bigger meaning in us. Some people may have the same numbers but for different reason. Its why the number is unique to us. My first number, is the number 13, a number that most consider to be highly unlucky.My girlfriend Rachel and I got together on June 13th, of 2013, and we are still well and going strong today. Until I left for school we spent almost every day together and can never get enough time. We spend most of our time out on the lake fishing, it has become one of our favorite past times to do together. Whether it is on our kayaks, a boat, or off the bank, as long as the line is wet we're happy.                                                                                 My second reason for pi