My bucket list

1. The first thing that goes on my bucket list, is marrying my girlfriend, my high school sweetheart.

 We have been together for quite some time now, we are now a state apart. However she is considering schools here in Michigan. I've covered all the logistics, and I'm giving it a good two to three more amazing years before I decide to make it permanent. Families and friends alike all agree its one of the best relationships they have seen that started at a younger age.

2. My next stop on my bucket list, travel. More specifically , I've always wanted to visit two countries; Germany and Poland. I have an immense love for the history of wars, especially World War Two history.

I would visit Auschwitz(That's in Poland), the biggest Nazi concentration camp, where millions of Jews were murdered. They say you can feel the pain and heartache of every human being that was in there.

For Germany, the immense variety of food an "Non" Alcoholic beverages the Germany is famous

3. Next might be a little silly for a bucket list, but its to  not have loans on anything. I don't want to worry about money. This means college paid off, no car loans, no house loans. I come from a middle class family, we make decent money, however a lot of it goes towards loans to a new truck, boat, and the house.

4. Now for the fun one, I want to visit Disney World once a year.
I know I know, its expensive, but a guy can dream. My family and I usually go every other year once
we save up enough. So going every year would be even better of course.

5. The midpoint for my bucket list could be in addition to number 4. I would love to fish lake Ochochobee in Florida. Lake Ochochobee is the best largemouth bass lake in the world. I am a huge bass angler, I fish a lot of circuits and am sponsored by Huk Gear, so fishing the top largemouth lake in the world would become a dream.

6. I want to be apart of a Special Response Team. This is an area in law enforcement that is very intense and dangerous. This is something similar to what S.W.A.T is. More specifically, I want to be a scout for the team. This is your sniper, they sit at a distance and provide support and visuals. Something with either the highway patrol or a federal agency.

7. Before I die, I would love to skydive. Its a cliché bucket list thing but let me explain. I am an absolute adrenaline junky. I'm a pole vaulter, so that's kind of where it comes from. I search for things that get the adrenaline going, things like roller coasters, bungee jumping, and hopefully skydiving.

8. I want to make a difference. Now this could be from my volunteer work with young, newly diagnosed diabetic kids, or in my future in my career, or even just out in public. I want to change
someone's life.

9. I want, no need, a summer home next to the beach. I don't even care if its a warm area, I want to be along the beach. I want to go deep sea fishing, catch sharks, barracuda, and other exotic species of fish.

10. Finally, another silly, yet important to me. Meet The President of the United States. Now, by this I'm not implying whom I voted for in the past election nor my political preference. This is any President, future or past. I think it would be cool to meet someone that was or is our commander in chief. It would be one of the biggest honors for me.


  1. Glad someone else wants to skydive just as bad as I do. I also love World War II history and think visiting Auschwitz would be life changing. Lastly, marry the girl.


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